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User guide

Fusion is a virtual, lightweight, distributed file system designed to optimise the data access of Nextflow data pipelines.

Fusion enables seamless filesystem I/O to cloud object stores via a standard POSIX interface resulting in simpler pipeline logic and faster, more efficient pipeline execution.

Fusion requires a license for use beyond limited testing and validation within Seqera Platform or directly within Nextflow. Contact Seqera for more details.

Getting started

Fusion smoothly integrates with Nextflow and does not require any installation or change in pipeline code. It only requires to use of container runtime or a container computing service such as Kubernetes, AWS Batch, or Google Cloud Batch.

This feature requires Nextflow 22.10.0 or later.

Nextflow installation

If you have already installed Nextflow, update to the latest version using this command:

nextflow -self-update

If you don't have Nextflow already installed, install it with the command below:

curl | bash

Fusion configuration

To enable Fusion in your Nextflow pipeline add the following snippet to your nextflow.config file:

fusion.enabled = true
wave.enabled = true
tower.accessToken = '<your access token>'

The use of the Tower access token is not mandatory, however, it's required to enable access to private repositories and it allows higher service rate limits compared to anonymous users.